Pandanet IGS Pandanet
14 Nov 23 16:29:24

AGA City League Registration still open, Club/Teams offer

There’s still about a month left to register for this year’s Pandanet AGA City League. We hope to crest out 150 players from last year. Check out the rules page for all the information you need to make a new team. Check the teams page from the previous year to see if you can join a team. Sign up with your team today! Registration closes on Sunday December 10th. Talk to your club members soon.

The City League TD has had a donation of books for smaller clubs and teams. These will be offered to a burgeoning city of players to grow their program. More details will be sent out when the registration concludes.

Looking forward to seeing your players duke it out throughout the season.

31 Oct 23 23:33:08

Join more than 20 teams for the new AGA City League season

With a month into registration, there are more than 20 teams registered and ready to rejoin the leagues. I know team captains are talking to their players and finding their strongest to play this season. Have you talked to your team to register for this year? Head over to the rules page to find out this year’s dates and more information. Sign up with your team today! You’ve got just over a month to re-register or sign up your team. Registration ends Sunday December 10th. If there are any questions contact the TD for more information.

06 Oct 23 02:07:19

Pandanet AGA City League returns for its 12th season

Welcome to the opening of the 12th season of the Pandanet AGA City League. We are looking again for the most competitive cities and players to compete in this long running tournament. Join the more than 35 teams looking to be the best around. Read through the rules on the Pandanet League site to learn of the new qualifications. The new registration link will help walk you through signing up. We look forward to growing beyond the 150 players from last year! If there are any questions contact the TD for more information.

24 Jan 23 00:36:33

Pandanet AGA City League Round 2 this weekend

Round 2 of Pandanet AGA City League happens this weekend. Watch teams from almost 40 teams and among 150 players from across the US and Canada. You can best find the games this Sunday January 29th @ 3pm EST/12pm PST in the AGA City League Rooms. Root for your local squad or your favorite national players and friends. Any schedule changes will be noted on the round pages:

A LeagueB LeagueC LeagueD LeagueE League

08 Nov 22 00:37:51

Upsets and Big Wins during the Pandanet AGA City League Finals

The 10th year of the Pandanet AGA City League brought some of its strongest competition yet. The final rounds were played after the US Go Congress this year. Ithaca faced off against Canwa Vancouver 2 and Chicago faced New York City. Results and games are linked below, bold denotes winner.

Ithaca defeated Canwa Vancouver 2 in this years finals by 2-1. The B League has changed in the last few years as the number of strong players playing has changed in the last few years. The 10 team League duked it out through seven rounds this year. As not all of the teams played each other, by the time the season came to close the top two teams had not played each other. With almost matching results during the season, a final round was scheduled. Canwa Vancouver has played teams from the A and B leagues over the years. With the perennially strong Canwa Vancouver 1 team so close it is easy for them to train. Ithaca on the other hand came out of the gorges to run through their opponents. Over the years these three have shown their strength at many tournaments, as a team they have become formidable. The finals showed this off and it was close. Canwa Vancouver scored a strong win on the first board (W+R). Ithaca came back on the other boards with good wins over their opponents (W+33.5 and B+4.5).
Board 1: Alan Huang 7d (B) vs Leo Tian 6d (W)
Board 2: Hongkui Zheng 7d vs Nick Jin 5d
Board 3: Aaron Ye 7d vs Kevin Wang 5d

Chicago upset New York City this year by 2-1. New York City has won the previous three years and were the favorites going in this year. As the final round approached it showed Chicago out front with NYC and Canwa Vancouver 1 at their heels. After a very close set of tie breaks NYC took on Chicago. This is Chicago’s second year in the A League after being in the B League for a few years. Some important changes to their top boards have brought a renewed strength with their wins. The three final games were slow and carefully played out. Boards 2 and 3 (B+R and B+11.5) were finished within a few minutes of each other. Both teams and viewers watched Board 1 finish out its exciting finish (B+5.5).
Board 1: Tim Song 1p (B) vs Ryan Li 3p (W)
Board 2: Calvin Sun 1p vs Stephanie Yin 1p
Board 3: Albert Yen 8d vs Michael Chen 8d

08 Nov 22 00:51:28

Pandanet AGA City League Registration is open for the 11th year

Have you talked to your club yet? Sat them down and had a serious chat? Have you convinced them to play in this season’s Pandanet City League? You should! Before you go to club this week review the latest rules and dates for the leagues and chat with them about registering. This long running tournament brings the best across North America to compete for top prizes and glory for their city. Can your team defeat our recent winningest teams; Chicago, Ithaca, Wachington DC 2, or New York City 4?

28 Oct 22 01:31:21

AGA City League Registration opens for the 11th year

Welcome to the opening of the 11th season of the Pandanet AGA City League. We are looking again for the most competitive cities and players to compete in this long running tournament. Join the more than 30 teams looking to be the best around. Read through the rules on the Pandanet League site to learn of the new qualifications. The new registration system will help walk you through signing up and accept new rules and policies. If there are any questions contact the TD for more information.

19 Aug 22 04:10:52

Pandanet AGA City League Finals and Winners

This year marks the 10th season of the Pandanet AGA City League. Through the years we have seen the best players in the country and many upcoming strong players. This year was so tough that there is a need for a second set of finals! Thats right, we’re having two sets of finals. These games will be broadcast on Pandanet over the next two weekends.

The A League will see four time winner New York City face off against Chicago. Chicago, new to the A League this season, has faced down almost every team and come out victorius. During the fifth round they faced off against New York City and came out ahead 2-1. Watch their playoff on Sunday August 28th at 3pm EST/12 PST.
Board 1: Tim Song 1p (B) vs Ryan Li 3p (W)
Board 2: Calvin Sun 1p vs Stephanie Yin 1p
Board 3: Albert Yen 8d vs Michael Chen 8d

The most competitive league has been the B League over the last few years. This has been expanded to a larger number of teams over the years to accomodate the number of strong players. This year see’s newcomer Ithaca face off against Canwa Vancouver 2. Vancouver 2 has bounced between the A and B leagues over time. Both teams never faced each other during the season. Ending with the same number of points a playoff had to take place. This will be a tough fight to see who the new challenger to the A League will be next season. These teams will face off Sunday August 21st at 7pm EST/4pm PST.
Board 1: Alan Huang 7d (B) vs Leo Tian 6d (W)
Board 2: Hongkui Zheng 7d vs Nick Jin 5d
Board 3: Aaron Ye 7d vs Kevin Wang 5d

Our other leagues and winners have played really exciting games this season. If you have not checked your cities record see how they did at the Pandanet site. Congratulations to all who played this season!

A League:
Third: Canwa Vancouver 1
Fourth: Toronto
Fifth: Los Angeles

B League:
Third: Raleigh
Fourth: Denver
Fourth: New Jersey

C League:
Winner: Washington DC 2
Second: Atlanta 1
Third: Los Angeles 4

D League:
Winner: New York City 4
Second: Los Angeles 2

15 Mar 22 03:19:21

Pandanet AGA City League continues this weekend

Sunday March 20th starts the fourth round of the Pandanet AGA City League. At this midway point some leaders starting to emerge among the leagues. Perennial favorites New York City and Canwa Vancouver 1 are leading the A League. Newer teams, Ithaca and Denver, are in a tight race with Canwa Vancouver 2 for the B League. North Corvallis and Atlanta 1 are chasing Washington DC 2 in the C League. Returning LA 2 and NY City 4 top the D League. All of these teams face tough competition in the coming rounds. Who will lead their league after this round? Think they will stay the same? Watch LIVE this Sunday at 3pm EST/12pm PST.

4th Round matchups: A LeagueB LeagueC LeagueD League

04 Jan 22 04:11:19

Pandanet AGA City League Begins Sunday

Are you ready to watch the biggest go league in the US? Watch LIVE on Sunday January 9th for the first round of the Pandanet AGA City League! Entering the 10th year there are 36 teams among four leagues. The best players in North America will vie to win for their city and bragging rights for the next year. Join the “AGA City League” and “AGA City League Manual” rooms on Pandanet to watch.

14 Jul 21 03:26:58

AGA City League Finals and League Winners

Congratulations to all of the players for this year’s Pandanet AGA City League. Each of these teams fought hard in their games to win their leagues. The top two leagues are very tough with the strongest players in the US and Canada. The other two leagues are no slouches either. All of those players battled their many opponents to find out the strongest team across many cities.

The AGA City League Finals will take place on July 23rd at 8pm EST/5pm PST on Pandanet in the AGA City League room. These games will be played between New York City, the reigning champs, and Canwa Vancouver 1. Based on their last matchup this will be an exciting series of games. They will be reviewed starting at 9pm on the AGA Twitch channel with Michael Redmond 9p and Chris Garlock. Make sure to tune in to watch these games and reviews!

Congratulate your cities teams on their winning performances this year:
A League
1 – New York City
2 – Canwa Vancouver 1
3 – Greater Washington
4 – Toronto
5 – Chicago

B League
1 – Boston
2 – Seattle 1
3 – Los Angeles
4 – Chicago 2

C League
1 – Seattle 2
2 – Canwa Vancouver 3
3 – Washington DC 2

D League
1 – North Corvalis
2 – New Mexico
3 – New York City 4

03 Nov 21 00:50:07

Pandanet AGA City League Registration Opens!

Welcome to the opening of the 10th season of the Pandanet AGA City League. We are looking again for the most competitive cities and players to compete in this long running tournament. Join the more than 30 teams looking to be the best around. Read through the rules on the Pandanet League site to learn of the new qualifications. The new registration system will help walk you through signing up and accept new rules and policies. If there are any questions contact the TD for more information.

28 Jan 21 03:49:11

Sundays are for watching Go

Pandanet AGA City League Round 3 is this weekend! Sunday January 31st at 3pm EST/12pm PST starts a ton of great go this weekend. Load up Pandanet, head over to the AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) rooms and grab your snacks. Settle in, find your regional team, and root on your City to win.

01 Dec 20 04:54:58

AGA City League Returns Dec 6

With the return of other sporting leagues so does the Pandanet AGA City League. Sunday December 6th starts the first round of this long running tournament. Watch some of your favorite and local teams battle their opponents from across the US and Canada. If you’re new to the tournament; our A League has a spattering of professionals and top players from across the continent. The B League is super sized this year with many strong teams, avg 6d+ ratings. They’re all going to be fighting hard for that A league promotion. The C league is a 5d-1d selection of teams which will be home to many interesting games. The D League is our handicap league with many strong kyu players. Don’t discount any leagues, there are strong players abound!

The first game was already played Sunday night between Canwa Vancouver 2 vs Greater Washington. Nick Jin and Yuan Zhou put on an exciting first match. They’ll have another match Saturday night 9pm EST/6pm PST. For the rest of the leagues, most will play LIVE Sunday at 3pm EST/12pm PST.

A LeagueB LeagueC LeagueD League

09 Oct 20 01:50:04

AGA City League Year 9 Registration Begins!

Pandanet AGA City League registration begins again for a new year. Registration will be open until Saturday November 15th. The first round will start on December 6th. Please see the updated rules for the year for any questions. Registration and questions can be sent to [email protected]. We hope to see your city compete this year!

01 Aug 20 22:32:09

Pandanet AGA City League Finals this week!

The start of the 2020 e-Go Congress brings a week of exciting tournaments this year. This will end the eighth year of the Pandanet AGA City League. This tournament comes down to the top two teams from the A League: New York City vs Bay Area. A showdown for coastal supremacy between this years teams.

Starting in November we have had four leagues and 31 teams from across the US and Canada. They’ve played once a month since then to find the top teams. The leagues range in ranks from 10 kyu to more than a few professional players. Full list of the rules from this season can be found on the Pandanet page.

This week we will watch the A League Finalists. Each game will take place on the AGA Twitch Channel at 8PM EDT/5PM PDT/9AM JST (Next Morning). The lineup for the three nights of games are:

Monday August 3rd – Board 3 – Zhongfan Jian 7d (NYC) vs Jeremy Chiu 7d (Bay Area)
Wednesday August 5th – Board 2 – Hanchen Zhang 1p (NYC) vs Hajin Lee 4p (Bay Area)
Friday August 7th – Board 1 – Ryan Li 1p (NYC) vs Mingjiu Jiang 7p (Bay Area)

The games will take place in the AGA City League room on Pandanet. Board 3 will nigiri for colors and the other games will alternate colors based on that.

For each of our leagues the winners will be promoted to the next league next year. We look forward to seeing how they will shake up their new leagues next year.
A League:
3rd Place: Greater Washington
4th Place: Canwa Vancouver 1
5th Place: Waterloo 1
B League:
1st Place: Chicago
2nd Place: Waterloo 2
3rd Place: Canwa Vancouver 2
C League:
1st Place: Los Angeles
2nd Place: Montreal
3rd Place: Atlanta
D League:
1st Place: Seattle 2
2nd Place: New Mexico
3rd Place: NY City 2

There will be an informational meeting the second week of congress for the City League. This will be one of the meeting on Saturday August 15th. Full meeting schedules for the week can be found on the Chapters Email list.

13 Mar 20 16:21:25

Stay home, Watch Go! Pandanet City League this weekend

Self-Isolation? Recovering from St Patty’s day? Miss other sporting events? Logon to Pandanet this Sunday March 15th at 3pm EST/12pm PST and watch some go! Many of the countries top players are playing throughout the day. Check out our schedule pages for your favorite players and local teams for the times they’re playing.

16 Jan 20 21:14:29

Pandanet AGA City League Round 3 this Sunday

Do you have a need to watch high level go? Join us this Sunday January 19th at 3PM EST for the start of the third round. Follow your favorite local teams and players as they battle it out this season. Games can be found using the GoPanda2 client in the AGA City League rooms. Check the schedules for each league for detailed information for each game; A League, B League, C League, D League.

14 Nov 19 21:28:37

Pandanet AGA City League Round 1 this weekend

This Sunday November 17th starts the 8th year of the Pandanet City League in the US and Canada. This year brings four sets of leagues with 30 different teams. Check the teams listing to find your closest city to root for. Watch at least nine different pros in the top three leagues. Games can be found in the AGA City League rooms using the GoPanda2 client. Watch on any platform whether it be at your computer or on a mobile device. Games start LIVE at 3PM unless otherwise noted.

13 Sep 19 22:18:37

Pandanet AGA City League Year 8 registration begins

Pandanet AGA City League registration begins again for a new year. Registration will be open until Saturday November 2nd.The first round will start on November 17th. Please see the updated rules for the year for any questions. Registration and questions can be sent to [email protected]. We hope to see your city compete this year!

14 Jul 19 22:03:26

New York City team wins the Pandanet AGA City League Finals

The New York City team swept all three games against the Greater Washington team in the finals at the US Go Congress on Saturday. Ryan Li 1p def Tim Song 1p on Board 1, Hanchen Zhang 1p def Eric Lui 1p on Board 2, Stephanie Yin 1p def Yuan Zhou 7d on Board 3. New York City and Greater Washington were playing each other in the finals for the second year and for the second consecutive year New York City shut out Greater Washington, which has been in the finals for five of the seven years of the tournament. The full results for this tournament can be found on the Pandanet site . Game records are linked above.

TD Steve Colburn presents trophy to the New York City Team: Hanchen Zhang 1p, Ryan li 1p, and Stephanie Yin 1p

The Greater Washington Team: Eric Lui 1p, Tim Song 1p, Yuan Zhou 7d

08 Jul 19 19:06:54

Pandanet AGA City League Finals and Winners

This Saturday will feature the Pandanet AGA City League Finals between New York City and Greater Washington. They will be playing LIVE from the US Go Congress in Madison,Wisconsin at 3pm CST. Find the game on Pandanet in the AGA City League rooms under the accounts AGACL1-3.

There will be a Pandanet AGA City League Meeting during Go Congress on July 18 from 5-6PM in the Humanities 1641 room.

The full list of winners for the City League are
A League:
Winner = New York City
Second = Greater Washington
Third = Waterloo 1
Fourth = Boston
Fifth = Toronto
B League:
Winner = Bay Area
Second = Raleigh
Third = Seattle 1
Fourth = Waterloo 2
C League:
Winner = Cincinati
Second = New York City 2

15 Mar 19 05:12:38

AGA City League Round 5

Sunday starts the fifth round of the Pandanet AGA City League. Watch Sunday as most games will be played starting at 3PM EST in the AGA City League and AGA City League[Manual] Rooms. Check the league schedules to find the times to watch your favorite players. New York City and Greater Washington are in the top spots in the A League. They faced off in the finals last year and are the top teams to watch for. Waterloo and Toronto 1 are at their heels down one match each. The B League has the Bay Area and Raleigh teams apart one GP in the standings. Both of these teams are facing off this weekend which should make for exciting games. The C League is led by the New York 2 team. Followed closely behind are the Baltimore, Columbus, and Cincinnati teams. The Columbus team will be live streaming their games on

12 Feb 19 06:20:30

AGA City League Round 4

This Sunday is the Pandanet City League Round 4. Follow along with your local team to see them win their league! Watch from many of the AGA and US based Professionals. Games will played LIVE at 3PM on Pandanet in the “AGA City League Room”.

13 Nov 18 03:37:24

1st Round of the Pandanet AGA City League this Sunday

The Seventh year of the Pandanet AGA City League starts this Sunday November 18th. Most games will be played at 3PM EST. Check the list of teams or the lineups for the A League, B League, and C League. Watch using the GoPanda2 client from Pandanet for the best experience. All games will be played in the AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) rooms. Root on your local team to win their league!

18 Oct 18 02:00:44

AGA City League Registration continues

Registration is now open for the 7th year of the Pandanet AGA City League. There are two weeks left to register for this exciting league. Teams can check for the updated rules for full information. There are more than six professionals playing in the league and the strongest players around the US and Canada. Contact TD Steve Colburn to register.

26 Sep 18 02:24:39

AGA City League Registration Begins

Registration is now open for the 7th year of the Pandanet AGA City League. Registration will be open until November 1st. Teams can check for the updated rules for full information. We hope to see many strong teams compete against the strongest players in the country. Contact TD Steve Colburn to register.

24 Jul 18 00:07:09

New York City wins the 6th year of the Pandanet AGA City League

New York City faced Greater Washington on July 21st at the 34th US Go Congress in Williamsburg, VA. The players for each board were:
Ryan Li 1p (W) vs Tim Song 1p (B)
Andy Liu 1p (B) vs Eric Lui 1p (B)
Stephanie Yin 1p (B) vs Yuan Zhou 7d (W)

Of the five professionals that played in this tournament, three of them are AGA Professionals. Tim Song and Stephanie Yin are Chinese professionals. New York City, left players in list, swept the final round. They both ended the year with the same score with wins, losses, ties, and board points. Photos can be found on the AGA Facebook page of all of the players from the event. Commentary by Eodeokdung Lee 2p of KBA, and hosted by Stephen Hu of AGA video broadcasting team which can be found below.

21 Jul 18 15:17:48

Pandanet AGA City League Finals at the US Go Congress

This Saturday will hold the 6th Pandanet AGA City League Finals at the US Go Congress in Williamsburg, VA. The 34th Annual US Go Congress will be the host for the live match on Saturday July 21st at 3PM in the Strong Players Room. Greater Washington will play New York City for the final match. Greater Washington has played many times in the finals so far. This will be New York City’s first challenge to the finals. The winner of the final match will win $5000 in prize money, the runner up will win $2500.

Be sure to look for AGACL1-3 on Pandanet for the live matches.

22 Aug 17 02:04:18

Canwa Vancouver 1 wins Pandanet City League for third time

A tournament that began last October culminated in a 3-game showdown Saturday afternoon at the U.S. Go Congress in San Diego.

The Canwa Vancouver 1 team faced Greater Washington in the finals of the Pandanet AGA City League, having topped the A League over seven rounds since October. In the end, Canwa Vancouver 1 prevailed, adding a third City League title to their wins in 2014 and 2016, and collecting the $5,000 top prize.
Canwa’s Matthew Hu 1p (B, second from right) lost to Greater Washington’s Tim Song 1p (W; left) on Board 1, but Canwa’s Ryan Li 1p (B, right) defeated Eric Lui 1p (w) on Board 2 and teammate Bill Lin 7d (b) defeated Yuan Zhou 7d (w) on Board 3 to secure the win for Canwa Vancouver. Cathy Li 1p (second from left) captained the team.

“Each of these players took the maximum amount of time to play,” reports TD Steve Colburn. “They each seemed to be intently thinking during their one hour of main time and played most of the game during byo-yomi. It was very tense at the ending of each game as most of the players were hanging on with only one period of time left.”

Watch the commentary of the game with Jennie Shen 2p and Andrew Jackson 4d from the US Go Congress.

18 May 18 02:13:15

Pandanet AGA City League Round 6 this weekend

This weekend is the Pandanet AGA City League Round 6. Check the schedules for your favorite and local teams and root on your favorites. Most LIVE games will be found in the AGA City League room at 3PM EST Sunday May 20th. Updated schedules can be found using the Schedule link at the top.

29 Jun 18 02:24:44

AGA City League Finals and Winners

The Pandanet AGA City League finished its regular season play recently. Each team fought tough opponents this season. This season saw eight professionals play this year, four of them being AGA Professionals. The finals for the A League will be played in three weeks at the US Go Congress. The College of William & Mary will host Greater Washington vs New York City on Saturday July 21st at 3PM. The games will be broadcast in the AGA City League Room LIVE.

The winners of the league are:
A League:
Third: Canwa Vancouver 1
Fourth: New Jersey
Fifth: Edmonton
B League:
Winner: Ottawa
Second: Toronto 1
Third: Toronto 2
Fourth: Canwa Vancouver 3
C League:
Winner: Boston 3
Second: N Corvallis

Congratulations to all of the teams that played this year.

09 Jun 18 17:08:52

Pandanet AGA City League Round 7 June 10th

This weekend is the Pandanet AGA City League Round 7. Check the schedules for your favorite and local teams and root on your favorites. Most LIVE games will be found in the AGA City League room at 3PM EST Sunday June 10th. Updated schedules can be found using the Schedule link at the top. Winners will be announced after this round as well as the top two A League teams who will play for the championships in Williamsburg, VA at the US Go Congress.

19 Jan 18 03:34:55

AGA City League this weekend

This weekend is the second round of the Pandanet AGA City League. Watch some of your favorite young pros and many of the strongest players in the US and Canada. Check the schedule to see your favorite team’s matchups!This Sunday LIVE at 3PM, AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) rooms.

05 Dec 17 04:39:56

Pandanet-AGA City League Year 6 Begins this Sunday

This Sunday December 10th the Pandanet AGA City League will begin. Round 1 will take place live in the AGA City League Room at 3PM EST/12PM PST. Watch this space for schedules and updates teams will be posting soon.

28 Oct 17 21:01:05

AGA City League Registration opens

Registration for the sixth year of the Pandanet AGA CIty League is upon us. If you are interested please read the rules page and send an email to [email protected]. Registration will close on November 30th.

29 Jul 17 01:36:28

AGA City League Finals and Winners

The Pandanet AGA City League Finals are fast approaching. It will be played on August 5th at 3pm at the US Go Congress. These matches will be broadcast on Pandanet LIVE at 3PM PST. The top board will be reviewed live on YouTube by Jennie Shen 2p and Andrew Jackson 4d. The winner of this match will receive the Pandanet AGA City League Trophy and $5000 in winnings.

Greater Washington will face the defending champions Canwa Vancouver 1. Canwa Vancouver has won the trophy twice and Greater Washington has been in the finals for three years.
Board 1: Matthew Hu 1p vs Tim Song 1p
Board 2: Ryan Li 1p vs Eric Lui 1p
Board 3: Bill Lin 7d vs Yuan Zhou 7d

All of the teams have been spectacular this year and there are many good games that have been played. This has been another amazing year and I congratulate all who played. The full list of winners are,

A League
Third = Boston
Fourth = Seattle 1
Fifth = Bay Area
B League:
Winner = NY City
Second = Chicago
Third = Wash DC 1
Fourth = SF 1
C League:
Winner = Syracuse
Second = Ottawa 2
D League
Winner = Cincinnati
Second = New Mexico

16 May 17 23:58:46

Final round 7 this weekend

Final round of the AGA City League is this weekend. Check the schedule at the top and find your favorite teams schedule. Tune in this Sunday at 3PM and watch LIVE in the AGA City League room.

20 Apr 17 02:23:17

Round 6 is this Sunday

Round 6 of the AGA City League starts this Sunday. Click the schedule link up top to see who your favorite teams are playing. Catch them LIVE in the AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) Rooms Sunday at 3PM.

05 Jan 17 03:20:47

Round 3 will be on January 22nd

Round 3 of the Pandanet AGA City League will be played on the 22nd of January. Watch some of the best players the US and Canada challenge each other.

16 Sep 16 03:15:31

AGA City League Registration begins!

The fifth year of the Pandanet AGA City League is starting soon. Register your team before October 16th to ensure your team is able to play. Please make sure to read the latest rules for the tournament. Email Steve Colburn to register or re-register your team. Any questions can also be sent to this address.

04 Aug 16 19:19:17

Canwa Vancouver 1 defeats Greater Washington 3-0 to win 2016 Pandanet City League

The Canwa Vancouver 1 team prevailed in the finals of the Pandanet AGA City League, played Saturday in Boston, MA as the 2016 US Go Congress got underway. Vancouver — Hanchen Zhang, Bill Lin, Ryan Li and captain Cathy Li (photo at right) — swept 3-0, overcoming a strong challenge from the Greater Washington team (left; Zirui Tim Song, Eric Lui, Yuan Zhou and captain I-Han Lui) which has now challenged for the title the last two years. Board 1 was broadcast live on the AGA YouTube Channel with Hanchen Zhang 1p vs Zirui Tim Song 1p. Ryan Li defeated Eric Lui on Board 2 and Bill Lin defeated Yuan Zhou on Board 3. Photos of the event can be found on the AGA Facebook page.

24 Jul 16 01:33:21

One Week Away!

In one week the Pandanet AGA City League Finals will be played in Boston, MA a the US Go Congress. Canwa Vancouver 1 will take on Greater Washington for the championship. Canwa Vancouver won the second year of the tournament. Greater Washington has been in the finals before. All games will be broadcast on Pandanet in the AGA City League room at 3pm EST.

Your lineup for the finals will be:
Board 1: Hanchen Zhang vs Zirui Tim Song
Board 2: Ryan Li vs Eric Lui
Board 3: Bill Lin vs Yuan Zhou

09 Jun 16 03:59:39

And the winners are...

A League:
Finals: Greater Washington vs Canwa Vancouver 1
3rd: Los Angeles
4th: Boston
5th: Princeton

B League
1st: Washington DC 2
2nd: Edmonton
3rd: New Jersey
4th: San Francisco 1

C League
1st: Atlanta 2
2nd: Boston 3

On Saturday July 30th Greater Washington will face Canwa Vancouver 1 at the US Go Congress. They each are vying for the $5000 first place prize and a very large trophy. The game will be broadcast on the AGA Youtue Channel and reviewed by Hajin Lee 3p. Watch this space for the finals lineup.

29 May 16 19:12:02

Nick Sibicky reviews Eric Lui vs Ricky Zhao

Nick Sibicky spent some time going over the seventh round match between Eric Lui 1p vs Ricky Zhao 7d. The last time they matched up against each other was the Maryland Open in 2015. Watch this exciting review below.

17 May 16 03:48:41

Final rounds of the AGA City League this Sunday

The last round of the Pandanet AGA City League is this Sunday May 22nd. Each of these teams has played six exciting rounds so far with one more and the finals to go. Play starts at 3pm EST/12pm PST on Sunday unless otherwise noted on the schedule pages. Schedules: A League / B League / C League

Vancouver has climbed slightly ahead of Greater Washington in the A League. They are 5-1 each against the rest of the field. With two professionals for each team (Chinese and American professionals), play has shown the strength of their players. Los Angeles has been hot on their heels all year with Boston one game behind them.

Washington DC 2 has taken a commanding lead all year with their undefeated streak. Edmonton has taken one loss this year. We’ll have to see who leads the middle of the pack between Washington DC 1, New Jersey, and San Francisco 1.

The C League is led by Atlanta 2, followed by Boston 3, and Atlanta 1.

05 Feb 16 15:47:42

AGA City League Round 3 results

As the third round of the Pandanet AGA City League closes out we have some leaders emerging from the packs. In League A the Greater Washington and Canwa Vancouver 1 teams have always been at the top of the leader boards. Both teams are undefeated in their league. Los Angeles, two time winners, are in third place at this point. Washington DC 2 has come out strong this year leading with three wins so far. Coming closely behind is Washington DC 1 and San Francisco 1. League C has Atlanta 2 leading with the third round. Their opponents have some catching up to do for the last four rounds. Boston 3 is close behind Atlanta 2.

Watch Hajin Lee 3p review two games from the A League. This round she looked at new 1p Eric Lui’s game against Edward Kim 7d and Bill Lin’s win over AGA professional exam contender Aaron Ye. Learn why joseki is important throughout the game in this video.

18 Jan 16 01:08:00

Round 3 of the AGA City League on Sunday January 24th

Round three of the AGA CIty League is on January 24th at 3PM EST. Throughout the day you can catch your local and favorite players from around the US and Canada. Check the schedules for each league to see when they are playing:
League A, League B, League C.

Round three will have a game review from Hajin Lee 3p. Watch all of the live coverage on Pandanet app on your Windows, OSX, linux 32bit and 64bit, iOS, or android. Games will be played in the ‘AGA City League’ and ‘AGA City League (Manual)’ Rooms.

18 Jan 16 00:24:54

Congratulations to City League players in the AGA Pro Exam

This January three players from the AGA City League competed in the 2015 AGA Professional Qualifying tournament in Los Angeles, CA. Of the eight players who competed Eric Lui 1p of the Greater Washington team is the newest AGA professional. Aaron Ye (Bay Area) and Jeremy Chiu (San Francisco 1) also competed. Aaron Ye gave Eric Lui a large challenge for the final matches of the tournament. Other professionals who play in the AGA City League are Ryan Li 1p (2014 AGA Professional, Canwa Vancouver 1), Tim Song 1p (Greater Washington), and Huiren Yang 1p (Boston).

04 Dec 15 03:38:07

Nick Sibicky talks Pandanet City League; Round 2 Results

As the second round of the Pandanet AGA City League concludes, A few contenders start to appear in the field. Two teams in each league have won their first two rounds; League A: Greater Washington and Canwa Vancouver 1, League B: Washington DC 1 and 2, League C: Boston 3 and Atlanta 2. The next round will be January 24th. This month bring us a review by Nick Sibicky. He talks about “Seattle’s Secret Weapon” in the A League in his first two games of the season. Sibicky adds that “teams are the way to go” when watching go as a spectator.

13 Nov 15 01:48:51

This weekend is exciting Round 2 games

This Sunday starts another exciting round of games for the Pandanet-AGA City League. Check the schedule to see who your favorite team is playing. Will Canwa Vancouver, Washington DC 1, and Atlanta 2 keep their leads? We’ll see after this round!

02 Nov 15 02:22:10

xhu98 Reviews first round games from the Pandanet AGA City League

Two weeks ago the Pandanet AGA City League started. One of the changes this year is the addition of video commentary for the rounds. In the first round xhu98 goes over some of the C League matches. The games were reviewed live on twitch and later posted to youtube. Click below to watch two hours of reviews from these matches. In two weeks Nick Sibicky or Andrew Jackson will cover the next round.

16 Oct 15 02:34:44

Sundays are for Football and Go

11844960_1067672023244765_869077691211333092_o This Sunday October 18th starts the fourth year of the Pandanet AGA City League. Make sure to follow your local and favorite teams throughout the year. We’ve already had one game early this week and was exciting to start off the year. For those who have followed in the past we have expanded the leagues and there are now eight teams for the A and B leagues. Also starting this year is video reviews from some online commentators like Hajin Lee and Andrew Jackson. The first round will be done by Xiaocheng-Stephen Hu/xhu98. Worries you’re going to miss football while watching the games? Download the Android and iOS app for Pandanet. Look in the AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) rooms.

04 Aug 15 03:24:35

LA Tops Greater DC to Win 2015 Pandanet AGA City League Finals

In the City of Angels vs. The Beltway Boys, Los Angeles prevailed over Greater Washington in the 2015 Pandanet AGA City League finals last Saturday afternoon at the US Go Congress in St Paul, MN. The top two boards split, with LA winning the Mark Lee (LA) vs Zirui (Tim) Song (GW) game on Board 1 and Eric Lui (GW) defeating Evan Cho (LA) on Board 2 (both on time), making the Danny Ko-Yuan Zhou game the decider. The exciting showdown got even more so when a clock problem on Board 3 forced a game replay on Saturday night. Danny Ko won that game on time, sealing the win for Los Angeles.

Go to the Pandanet web site for all the game records from the rest of the season.

Full results:
A League: 1st – Los Angeles; 2nd – Greater Washington; 3rd – Boston; 4th – Seattle 1
B League: 1st – Princeton; 2nd – Bay Area
C League: 1st – Berkeley; 2nd – Boston 2

Click here for some photos and a short video of the players playing the finals. You can go back and watch the recorded match from Board 1 on YouTube and go through the review by Jennie Shen 2p. Watch for more information this week about registering for the fourth year of this tournament!

07 Aug 15 17:26:27

Pandanet AGA City League Registration begins

The new season for the Pandanet AGA City League begins! Start gathering your team for the fourth season of this exciting league. With some revised rules to make the seasons longer and more challenging games. We’re expanding the teams to eight teams per league for the A and B leagues. Check the rules for a special registration deal for the teams. Does your team have what it takes to defeat our winners from last year? Registration is open until September 20th. Email [email protected] for more information or to register your team.

28 Jul 15 04:08:21

Pandanet AGA City League Finals this Saturday

With the US Go Congress starting this Saturday August 1, so do the games. Tune in on Pandanet at 3PM in the AGA City League room. We’ll be showing all three games LIVE for Los Angeles vs Greater Washington. The lineup will be:
Board 1: Mark Lee vs Tim Song

Board 2: Evan Cho vs Eric Lui

Board 3: Daniel Ko vs Yuan Zhou

The winner of this tournament will be $5000, runner up will be $2500. Look out soon for news for the next year’s City League registration!

13 May 15 03:27:22

Pandanet-AGA City League Finals at the 2015 US Go Congress


The Pandanet AGA City League has come down to one more match. At the US Go Congress in St Paul, MN, Los Angeles will face off against Greater Washington. Playing for the Los Angeles team (left) will be Mark Lee, Evan Cho, and Daniel Ko. Playing for Greater Washington (right) will be Tim Song, Eric Lui, Yuan Zhou, and Jie Li. These players will face off on Saturday August 1st. Come watch live in person or on Pandanet-IGS.

20 Apr 15 05:01:49

Final round of the Pandanet-AGA City League this weekend

Who will go on to the finals of the Pandanet City League championship at the US Go Congress?

In the A League, Boston won their match in the last round making the race for the top very tight. Los Angeles, Greater Washington, and Boston each have 6 points each, but LA and Gr Washington both are outscoring with 9 board points. In this last match up none of the top teams will face each other. Which team will come out on top and travel to the Twin Cities in their last head-to-head match up?

The B League will have a tough fight for second place as it stands now. NC Raleigh and Bay Area are two board points behind Princeton. In the final round Raleigh faces off against the undefeated Princeton for the B League championship. Will Princeton come out on top or will Raleigh and Bay Area kick their games into high gear and make it a tight race?

The C League is also fighting for its second place winner. Berkeley has become a runaway running all of their matches by 2-1 against their opponents. Atlanta 2, DC Team 3, and Boston 2 will have tough matches in the last round.

Make sure to watch LIVE games on Pandanet on Sunday April 26th in the AGA City League and AGA City League (Manual) rooms. Check out the latest client from Pandanet. Away from your computer when the games are going on? Download the Pandanet (Go) app for Android and iOS!

08 Apr 15 03:12:54

City League Results of Round 4

Pandanet City League has been going strong for four rounds now. With a couple more games and one more round to go, at least one league is cutting the top positions close.

The A League has Greater Washington and Boston in the lead with 6 points each. As they faced off this past round GW got the better of Boston but theyre holding on from previous wins. Hot on their tails is LA and Seattle 1. LA still has one game left to play and they will most likely be in playoff contention.

The B and C Leagues have pull away leaders in Princeton and Berkeley. Both teams are new this year with strong players behind them. They lead their leagues with 8 points each. The next team is currently at 4 points each.

A League:
Greater Washington def Boston (3-0), Seattle 1 def San Francisco 1 (3-0), Los Angeles def Canwa Vancouver 1 (3-0)

B League:
Princeton def Katy, TX 1 (3-0), Bay Area def Canwa Vancouver 2 (3-0), NC Raleigh def Washington DC 2 (3-0)

C League:
Boston 2 def New Orleans (2-1), Atlanta 2 def Atlanta 1 (2-1), SF Bay Area/Berkley def DC Team 3 (3-0)

27 Feb 15 04:06:45

City League Round 3 Results

A League
Boston def San Francisco (2-1), Seattle 1 def Canwa Vancouver (2-1), Los Angeles def Greater Washington (2-1)

LA currently leading with 6 points. Greater Washington and Boston just behind them with 4 points each.

B League
Princeton def Bay Area (2-1)
Still ongoing: NC Raleigh vs Canwa Vancouver 2, Katy TX 1 vs Washington DC 2

Princeton Leading with 6 points, Bay Area trailing with 4 points. Games still ongoing.

C League
Boston 2 def Atlanta (2-1), DC Team 3 def New Orleans (2-1), SF Bay Area/Berkley def Atlanta 1 (2-1)

Berkley leads with 6 points. DC Team 3 in second place with 4 points.

17 Feb 15 03:15:00

Pandanet City League Round 3 is this Sunday

The third round of the Pandanet-AGA City League is this Sunday. Watch the action live starting at 3pm ET/12pm PT. The games are heating up between all of the teams. The schedules for A League, B League, and C League can be found on the Pandanet site.

19 Jan 15 02:39:51

Pandanet City League this Sunday!

This Sunday is the second round of the Pandanet-AGA City League. Watch heavyweights from the A League including professionals like Ximeng Yu and AGA’s newest Ryan Li. Don’t discount our B and C Leagues. They will be duking it out with the other teams. Check the schedule at the top for your local team.

02 Dec 14 05:35:06

AGA City League Kicks off to a good start

Most of the games for the first round have been played already and they were spectacular. With many of the strong AGA and CGA players playing we have seen some exciting games.

A League:
Boston def Canwa Vancouver 1 (2-1), Greater Washington def San Francisco 1 (2-1), Los Angeles def Seattle 1 (3-0)

B League:
Bay Area def Washington DC 2 (2-1), Princeton def Canwa Vancouver 2 (2-1)
Still ongoing: NC Raleigh vs Katy TX 1 (1-1), last game to be played Dec 18 9:30ET

C League:
DC Team 3 def Boston 2 (3-0), SF Bay Area/Berkley def Atlanta 2 (2-1), New Orleans def Atlanta 1 (2-1)

06 Nov 14 15:13:38

New year of the City League starts on November 23rd

The new season of the Pandanet-AGA City League starts on Sunday November 23rd. Check our schedule to see the matchups for this round. Make sure to logon and root for your local team!

10 Aug 14 22:30:51

Canwa Vancouver 1 Edges Seattle 1 to Win 2014 Pandanet-AGA City League

2014.08.09 cityleaguefinal board1

The Canwa Vancouver 1 team defeated Seattle 1 at the Pandanet-AGA City League finals on Saturday afternoon at the US Go Congress. As Congress attendees registered and caught up with old friends, the Vancouver and Seattle teams faced off in the top-board playing room looking out onto the nearby Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan. Bill Lin 7d of Vancouver defeated Ximeng (Simon) Yu 1p of Seattle on Board 1 (photo), while on Board 2, Ho Son 7d from Seattle evened the score by defeating Juyong Koh 7d of Vancouver. On Board 3, Ryan Li 7d bested Seattle’s Momoko Tsutsui 6d to win the event for Vancouver. ”Congratulations to Canwa Vancouver 1 for their hard-fought victory in the finals and for an impressive performance throughout the year,” said Tournament Director Steve Colburn. All three games were broadcast live on Pandanet-IGS and have been posted on the City League website.
- photo by Steve Colburn

30 Jun 14 04:43:49

Pandanet-AGA City League Finals

The final round is to be played at the US Go Congress ( in New York City. The round will be played the first Saturday August 9th at 3PM. Games will be played in Penn Top, the same room that the top boards will be played. Watch for the LIVE simulcast in the AGA City League room on Pandanet-IGS.

Board 1 – Bill Lin vs Ximeng Yu
Board 2 – Ho Son vs Juyong Koh
Board 3 – Ryan Li vsMomoko Tsutsui

04 Aug 14 02:11:59

C League Winners

Now that the C League has finished playing the winners have emerged:

1: Katy TX 1
2: Canwa Vancouver 2
3: West Tenesee/Memphis

Congratulations to the C League teams.

02 Jun 14 00:51:03

City League Results and next round (C League)

A League Results:
On Saturday August 9th Seattle 1 will play Canwa Vancouver 1 in the finals at the US Go Congress in New York City.
3rd: Greater Washington
4th: Boston

B League Results:
1st: New York City
2nd: Chicago

C League:
Play is still ongoing, currently Katy TX 1 is leading with an undefeated score. They are followed by Canwa Vancouver 2, Katy TX 2, and Brentwood/Nashville.
Round 6 will be played on Saturday June 17th.

24 May 14 03:08:57

Finalists to play at US Go Congress

Canwa Vancouver 1 will play Seattle 1 at the US Go Congress in New York City. They will play on Saturday August 9th. We will announce the time soon and post it here and in the AGA E-Journal.

14 May 14 03:17:39

AGA City League Round 5 - FINALS!

Round 5 for the AGA City League plays on Mat 17th.

Round 5
C League

As always catch the action live on game day at 3PM EST on Pandanet using the new GoPanda2 software. Games will be played in the AGA City League room.

05 May 14 02:35:45

City League Results Round 4

A League
Los Angeles Def Toronto (3-0), Seattle 1 def Boston (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 1 def Greater Washington (2-1)

B League
Washington DC 1 def NC Raleigh (2-1), San Francisco 1 def Chicago (2-1), New York City def Washington DC 2 (3-0)

C League
West Tennessee/Memphis def Katy TX 2 (2-1), Brentwood/Nashville def Seattle 2 (3-0), Katy TX 1 def Lincoln (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 2 def Central New York/Syracuse (3-0)

After four rounds Canwa Vancouver 1 is leading the A League. Hot on their heels are Seattle 1 and Greater Washington with one match behind. May’s final matches will decide which two teams will meet at the Pandanet City League Finals in New York City at the US Go Congress.

New York City is leading Chicago by one board point in League B. As they have already played each other they will be neck in neck in the final round of play.

The teams in the C League were closer matched before this round. Now Katy TX 1 has come way out ahead in their matches. Katy TX 2 and Memphis are in the 2-3 seed respectively. With three more rounds to go the lineup could change a lot before the end.

21 Apr 14 02:03:24

AGA City League Round 4

Round 4 for the AGA City League plays on April 26th.

Round 4
A League
B League
C League

As always catch the action live on game day at 3PM EST on Pandanet using the new GoPanda2 software. Games will be played in the AGA City League room.

02 Apr 14 00:39:23

AGA City League Round 3 Results

A League
Seattle 1 def Los Angeles (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 1 def Toronto (3-0), Greater Washington def Boston (2-1)

B League
San Francisco 1 def Washington DC 1 (3-0), New York City def NC Raleigh (3-0), Chicago def Washington DC (3-0)

C League
West Tennessee/Memphis def Lincoln (2-1), Katy, TX 1 def Canwa Vancouver 2 (2-1), Syracuse def Seattle 2 (3-0), Katy TX 2 def Brentwood/Nashville (2-1)

16 Mar 14 17:38:33

AGA City League Round 3 is next weekend

Round 3 for the AGA City League plays on March 29th.

Round 3
A League
B League
C League

As always catch the action live on game day at 3PM EST on Pandanet using the new GoPanda2 software. Games will be played in the AGA City League room.

12 Feb 14 00:51:44

AGA City League Round 2 is coming soon

Round 2 for the AGA City League plays on February 22nd. The first round concluded last night with a win by Katy TX 1 defeating Syracuse to complete the round.

Round 2
A League
B League
C League

As always catch the action live on game day at 3PM EST on Pandanet using the new GoPanda2 software. Games will be played in the AGA City League room.

24 Feb 14 03:32:08

City League Results from Round 2

A League
Greater Washington def Los Angeles (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 1 def Boston (3-0), Seattle 1 def Toronto (3-0)

B League
Washington DC 2 def Washington DC 1 (2-1), NC Raleigh def San Francisco (2-1), Chicago def New York City (2-1)

C League
West Tennessee/Memphis def Central New York/Syracuse (2–1), Katy TX 1 def Brentwood/Nashville (2-1), Katy TX 2 def Lincoln (3-0), Canwa Vancouver def Seattle 2 (3-0)

Our selected game for this round is from the B League. Changlong Wu 7d (Tallis) of NC Raleigh defeated Aaron Ye 5d (G0dnPoppy) of San Francisco played a very interesting game. They both went all out in their match. The game will keep you on your seat till the end.

26 Jan 14 21:27:54

First round results

The first round of play has mostly completed for the AGA City League.

A League
Boston def Los Angeles (2-1), Greater Washington def Toronto (3-0), Canwa Vancouver 1 def Seattle 1 (2-1)

B League
Chicago def Washington DC 1 (3-0), NC Raleigh def Washington DC 2 (2-1), New York City def San Francisco 1 (3-0)

C League
Seattle 2 def West Tennessee/Memphis (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 2 def Katy TX 2 (3-0), Brentwood/Nashville def Lincoln (2-1), Katy TX 1 def Central New York/Syracuse (2-1)

15 Jan 14 04:18:33

Pandanet AGA City League Restarts on January 25th

Dsc 0177 pandanet

The new series of games will restart shortly. We have 18 teams of players ranging from professionals to 12kyu players in our midst. Leagues A & B will have five rounds and League C will have seven.

The game schedule will be once per month as the schedule says.

The Leagues and cities are as follows:

League A:
Los Angeles, Boston, Greater Washington, Canwa Vancouver 1, Seattle 1

League B:
Washington DC 1, , Raleigh, Washington DC 2, San Francisco, New York City

League C:
Memphis, Seattle 2, Katy 1, Canwa Vancouver 2, Brentwood/Nashville, Lincoln, Syracuse, Katy 2

The first round will start on January 25 at 3PM EST, 12PM PST.

22 Oct 13 02:45:37

Pandanet-AGA City League Kicks off this weekend

The second year of the Pandanet-AGA City League Kicks off this weekend on IGS. Play will start for all of the leagues at 3pm on Saturday the 26th. We have 17 teams for this season and play should be very exciting. Watch some of the best players in the country vie off against each other. Play will take place in the AGA City League Room. You will see more information as it is updated on this Pandanet site.

30 Jul 13 02:51:51

Finals for the AGA City League A League

Team Los Angeles won the Pandanet-AGA City League A-League finals Saturday at the U.S. Congress in Tacoma, WA, defeating the Washington team 2-1 in hard-fought games. Beumgeon (Evan) Cho defeated Jie Li on Board 1, while Seung Hyun (Kevin) Hong beat Yuan Zhou on Board 3 in the afternoon games, broadcast live on Pandanet. Eric Lui, playing via Pandanet from Seoul Korea, where he’s playing in the Samsung Cup preliminaries for the AGA, scored DC’s only win by defeating Dae Hyuk (Daniel) Ko. Andy Okun captained the LA team. “We’re tremendously pleased with the results of our first year of the Pandanet AGA City League,” League Project Co-Manager Jon Boley reported to Congress attendees Saturday night at a brief awards ceremony. Twenty eight teams competed in four leagues: LA won the A League, Toronto won the B League, Chicago won in C League, and Brentwood, TN won the D League.

Board 1: Beomgeun Cho vs Jie Li – Winner: Beomgeun Cho Game Record
Board 2: Daniel Ko vs Eric Lui – Winner: Eric Lui Game Record
Board 3: Seung Hyun Hong vs Yuan Zhou – Winner: Seung Hyun Hong Game Record

Board 1 game reviewed by Myungwan Kim 9p – Game Record

Photos of the final round that took place in Tacoma on August 3rd, 2013.

Picture by Phil Straus, story from the E-Journal

28 Jul 13 01:59:25

City League finals for the B, C, & D Leagues

Watch the finals for the City League on July 28th starting at 1PM EST for the finals for these leagues. They will play their games then. Watch for more information about the broadcast of the LIVE A league finals at the Us Go Congress.

13 Jul 13 15:27:45

Pandanet-AGA City League 10th Round This Sunday

The 10th, and for most teams, final round is scheduled for this Sunday, July 14 on Pandanet IGS. At the conclusion of this round, the top two teams in the A League will be invited to play one final playoff round to take place in person at the 2013 US Go Congress on Saturday afternoon, August 2.

29 Jun 13 05:05:39

Round 9 on Sunday June 30

Watch all four leagues starting at 1PM EST for the City League. C & D Leagues will play at 1PM and the A & B Leagues will start at 2PM. Be sure to root for your local team.

11 Jun 13 03:57:13

Greater Washington & Toronto Lead Pandanet-AGA City Leagues; Round 8 Set for Sunday

The Pandanet-AGA City Leagues A & B will play round 8 on Sunday June 16th. For the A League Greater Washington is just edging out the team from Los Angeles by one board point. Both teams have 8 points all together and records of 4-2. Los Angeles will play New York City, Greater Washington will play Boston, and Seattle will play Vancouver. With the field so strong in the league at this point Boston could come out and challenge LA and GW for the top slot. . In the B League Toronto has come out with a strong record and is leading the league with San Francisco hot on their tails. Toronto has 10 points and a record of 5-1 and San Francisco with 8 points and a record of 4-2. Southern California will take on the leading San Francisco in a tough matchup. Massachusetts will play Washington DC and Toronto will play Montreal. It will be exciting to see if Toronto will gain another win to stay on top of the standings or will there be a tight playoff the last two rounds to see who the winner is.

Rounds will be played on IGS at 2PM on June 16th. As always the most up to date standings are found on the to your right.

21 May 13 03:00:37

Pandanet City League Round 7 and 5

This Sunday the Pandanet/AGA City League plays Round 7 for the A & B Leagues and Round 5 for the C & D Leagues. Watch LIVE on IGS starting at 1PM EST/10AM PST on Sunday March 26th.

12 May 13 18:25:27

A and B Leagues Round 6 today!

A and B Leagues play round 6 today at 2PM EST today. Tune in to watch these exciting matches.

26 Apr 13 03:48:44

League play on April 28th

Pandanet AGA City League rounds 4 and 5 will be played this Sunday, April 28. Leagues A and B will play their Round 5 games at 2p EST, while Leagues C and D will play their round 4 games starting at 1p EST. Find the pairings on the Pandanet schedule page.

26 Mar 13 01:16:21

League play this weekend

Watch for all of the leagues to play this weekend with rounds starting at 1PM and 3PM. We hope to see you there.

16 Mar 13 16:56:43

March League Play

The A & B Leagues played on March 17th. Results have been posted on the round pages. All Leagues will play again on March 31st. Watch the rounds LIVE starting at 1PM EST in two weeks.

23 Feb 13 23:46:01

Round 2 Starts this Sunday Feb 24th

The second round of the Pandanet AGA City League will be held this Sunday, February 24. Round 1 winners in the A League were Greater Washington (d. Boston), Los Angeles (d. New York City) and Vancouver (d. Seattle). In B League, winners were Washington DC 1, San Francisco and Toronto. In the C League, winners were Washington DC 2, Memphis, Chicago and Pittsburgh. D League winners were Quebec, Southern California 2, Kentucky and Brentwood TN.

26 Jan 13 04:33:39

Play Begins!

Starting this Sunday January 27th the first round of the Pandanet-AGA City League begins. Tune in on IGS using the new GoPanda2 client and watch the opening round. We have posted round and game information on the right nav bar to help you keep track of your local and favorite teams.

25 Dec 12 03:53:32

Registration Closed

Registration has closed for the 2013 season. We have had great response with 28 teams registering. We are in the process of splitting the teams into the appropriate league and setting things up. We will be contacting teams shortly for more information. We are all excited for the games to begin!

26 Sep 12 00:38:54

Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the inaugural season the Pandanet-AGA City League. Fully sponsored and funded by Pandanet, this new online tournament will provide players an opportunity for regional competition. “This is an exciting new opportunity to develop our go community here in the US,” says AGA President Andy Okun. “Thanks to Pandanet for a great competition that will build up the US go community in new ways.” Teams will consist of four players, three of which will play in each round on a rotating basis, and a non-playing team captain. Each team will represent a city or a region. The tournament format will be double round robin, with 10 rounds each season. The top six teams will make up an “A” League and will play a double round-robin with each other throughout the year on the International Go Server (IGS). A final round between the top two teams in the A League will be played at the US Go Congress. Other teams will be placed into a “B” League and possibly a third, “C” League. The top finisher in the B League moves up to the A League after each season, replacing the bottom A League team. Registration for Season 1 closes December 20, 2012 and the first season will begin January 1st on an accelerated schedule, with all following seasons beginning September 1st of each year. In addition to generous cash prizes provided by Pandanet, teams are encouraged to seek their own local sponsors to provide the team with travel, training, game-fees, celebration and community events. “Teams of all strengths are welcomed and encouraged to register!” says tournament director Jon Boley.